This Privacy Policy is for the mobile app and website for Power.  The Parties to this Privacy Policy are you the user of this mobile app and website and you may referred to as “User”, “You”, “Participant” and or “Forum Participant” and POWERAPP LLC, a Washington State Limited Liability Company referred to as “Power” or “Company” or “We”, collectively known as the “Parties.”  Power wants to make sure Your experience online is satisfying, safe and respectful of your privacy.

1. Link to website.  If you have accessed Power’s resources through your mobile phone through the App please note that the website can be located at - Reference to the App and the website collectively shall be called “the Power Platforms. “If you do not agree with ALL the terms and conditions set forth in this TOU, you should not download or use the application.  By clicking the “Agree” button below, you are representing your agreement with the above terms of use.

2. Information Gathered and Track by Power.  Power gathers two types of information about users:

3. COPPA Compliance.  You must be over the age of 18 to view and or participate on the Power Platforms.  Consistent with the Federal Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA), Power will never knowingly request personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 13 without requesting parental consent.  The Power Platforms have an age gate as required by law.  You are responsible for putting in your true age at the Age Gate.  If you are not honest about your age, Power reservices any and all ways to terminate your participation and block you from the Power Platforms in order to remain compliant with COPPA.

4. If You wish to unsubscribe from the Power Platforms and terminate your TOU please email Power at [email protected] .  Power normally processes unsubscribe requests within 7 days

5. Legal Requirements Related to Confidentiality.  This paragraph presents language compliant with USA law, UK law and European Union law on the privacy of Power Platforms’ Users. Power cannot legally provide confidentiality under the following circumstances:

a.A message sent to or through the Power Platform forums which contains specific information about a terrorist suspect or terrorist activity that will take place or has taken place in the world. This information must immediately be disclosed to the applicable law enforcement authorities:

b.Power, is forced through legal action to disclose specific confidential information; this can include legal action taken through the Data Protection Act and during criminal investigations.

c.Under the Data Protection Act Power can choose to break confidentiality if Power feel that doing so would be in the public interest or that not doing so would hinder a criminal investigation. Under very rare, extreme circumstances, Power may choose to break confidentiality. These circumstances are:

i.  If Power believes a User of Power is in immediate danger, or a User of a Power Platform is about to place another person in immediate danger.

ii.  That the User has provided enough personal information for Power to believe there is an opportunity to intervene and at Power’s sole discretion Power determines the decision is based on an extreme situation.

Cookies.  The Power Platforms use Cookies – small text files that are placed on your smart phone, tablet and/or computer to help the Power Platforms provide a better user experience. In general, Cookies are used to retain user preferences and provide anonymized tracking data to third party applications including but not limited to Google Analytics.  Click HERE to review Google’s Cookie Policy. [] As a rule, Cookies will make Your browsing experience better. However, You may prefer to disable Cookies on this site and on others. The most effective way to do this is to disable Cookies in your browser. We suggest consulting the Help section of your browser or taking a look at the About Cookies[] website which offers guidance for all modern browsers.  Power uses Google Analytics on this site to help analyze how visitors use the various ways Users connect on the Power Platforms. The anonymous information generated by GoogleAnalytics Cookies about Your use of the Power Platforms is transmitted to Google, who process this information to compile statistical reports on website activity for the Power Platforms only. Power usesthese reports to understand how people visiting Power Platforms use them so that Power can optimizethe content, and its marketing, to better meet all Parties’ needs.  Please note that cookies don't allow Power to gain control of Your computer in any way. They are strictly used to monitor which pages You find useful and which You do not so that Power can provide a better experience for You.

6. Power’s Management of the Power Platforms.  Power reserves the right to change this policy at any given time, of which You will be promptly updated. If You want to make sure that You are up to date with the latest changes, Power advises You to frequently visit this Privacy Policy for updates.

7. Data. When You visit the Power Platforms, Power may collect the following data: